Positive Market Share and Technology
In July, we co-sponsored a special seminar on market share. WC&C professionals gathered together with the Building Contractor’s Association and the Greater New York Floor Coverers Association for a presentation by FMI detailing an assessment of the New York District Council’s share of the New York City construction market. The survey and assessment was sponsored by the Carpenter Contractor Alliance of Metropolitan New York. It’s a topic that is always a top priority to union contractors.
How do we successfully line up the pieces necessary to compete and win in the race
for market share in the New York City construction industry? Most of the answer lies in how well we engage our assets and overcome the forces that work against us. But there is also a need to understand the future realities of the construction industry. While New York City has been fortunate in that we haven’t yet seen a major decline in young people filling the ranks as experienced workers age out, the probability is that we will, just as has most of the country.
Solutions lie in technology. New technology is advancing at an incredible pace. As
contractors in the construction industry, we have to use this to overcome the manpower
shortages we’ll face. Among the most prominent of these advancements are virtual and
augmented reality, both of which have promise to improve workflow and help us keep up and maintain a positive market share.
This and more will be explored at AWCI’s Industry Executives’ Conference & Committee Meetings in San Antonio, Texas on September 25th through 28th. The educational sessions promise to be of great value as well as interesting. There will be tours and other activities and, of course, golf. The AWCI Foundation Golf Tournament, of which your association is a proud sponsor, will be held at the Quarry Golf Course on Thursday, September 27th.
I hope I’ll see you there.
-John DeLollis