As we wind down 2016, it has been a memorable year on many fronts. On the political side it has been a historic presidential election cycle. The first time in American politics the democrats elected a female candidate to run for president. The hard fought primary between Hilary and self-proclaimed socialist Bernie speaks volumes to the evolving demographics of American politics.
On the other hand, who could have predicted that THE Donald, as we call him here in New York, would steam roll sixteen well established, politically savvy opponents to win the republican nomination for president. As both candidates continue to fend off demons of their past, one thing is for sure. This year has been one hellish presidential election cycle.
A little closer to home, 2016 has had its own bizarre effects in our industry. Our ongoing battle to reinstate the international agreement for our contractors defies logic.
Stay tuned as we continue to pursue this agreement which our small to mid-sized members require to be competitive. The historic breakdown between union building trades and owners, along with construction managers and general contractors continues to evolve and
I expect will change the landscape of union contractors in our market for the foreseeable future.
Enjoy the Holiday season and I look forward to our upcoming Christmas party in December.
— Mike