2022 The New NormalCOVID-19, the delta variant and now the omicron variant have impacted our lives personally and professionally in such a profound way that...
Going ForwardIt’s a given that supply chain problems, higher prices, and inflation have caused myriad problems for our industry and New York City...
The HERO Act Webinar and MoreThe New York Health and Essential Rights Act (NY HERO Act) was signed into law last May 5. It mandates extensive new workplace health and...
Safety MattersConstruction workers are involved in many activities that could expose them to dangerous hazards, such as unguarded machinery, falling...
Obsess With SuccessEACH OF US IS OBSESSED WITH THE WORK WE DO. IF WE WEREN’T, WE COULDN’T ACHIEVE SUCCESS. Right now, we are part of a business comeback in...
Material Prices Are Through the RoofThe construction industry is currently experiencing an unprecedented mix of sharply increasing materials prices, decreased supplies and...
Moving ForwardSince the start of the epidemic more than a year ago, we’ve experienced unprecedented difficulties both at home and on the job....
New NormalWHILE THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY HAS ALWAYS CONSIDERED SAFETY TO BE PARAMOUNT, wider public health practices have been introduced and...
Reason To Be OptimisticFall is the time when we should be assessing this year’s progress and planning ahead for next year. But as we all know, 2020 has been...
20202020 HAS REALLY BEEN A TOUGH PILL TO SWALLOW FOR MOST OF US. It’s been filled with worry, uncertainty, and changes to the fundamental...